Fall Improv

  • Acting
BAL: Brooklyn, NY, USA
Oct 09 2024
Dec 18 2024


Wednesday Improv 6th-8th Grades at 1012 8th Ave (10/09/2024-12/18/2024) Registration closed

Wednesday Improv 6th-8th Grades at 1012 8th Ave
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed3:30 - 4:45 pm
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 
  • Sun 





6th-8th Grades

1012 8th Avenue


Ever wanted to be a part of a dynamic and funny ensemble like
Who’s Line Is It Anyway or Saturday Night Live? Improv Troupe is a fun
and creative workshop teaching the building blocks of improv and
building a cast of funny people working together. Students will be
introduced to the fundamental aspects of improvisation through theatre
games and exercises. They will learn how to work moment to moment by
being grounded in their bodies and activating their impulses. In a safe
and supportive environment, they will work together as an ensemble,
building trust, and focusing on the concept of “Yes, and . . .”This
program is specifically geared towards middle schoolers as they evolve
from learning the basics of improv to implementing, elaborating and
riffing on those strategies to create new and exciting work. Students
who have participated in Improv Troupe can return to the class and
continue to build and develop their skills.

In-studio share  for family to attend on the last day of class, December 18th

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 09/25/2024 and ends on 10/25/2024


Participants must be entering grades 6 to 8.

Saturday Improv 4th-8th Grades at 56 Windsor Place (10/19/2024-12/14/2024) Registration closed

Saturday Improv 4th-8th Grades at 56 Windsor Place
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat1:00 - 2:15 pm
  • Sun 





4th-8th Grades

56 Windsor Place


Ever wanted to be a part of a dynamic and funny ensemble like
Who’s Line Is It Anyway or Saturday Night Live? Improv Troupe is a fun
and creative workshop teaching the building blocks of improv and
building a cast of funny people working together. Students will be
introduced to the fundamental aspects of improvisation through theatre
games and exercises. They will learn how to work moment to moment by
being grounded in their bodies and activating their impulses. In a safe
and supportive environment, they will work together as an ensemble,
building trust, and focusing on the concept of “Yes, and . . .”

In-studio share  for family to attend on the last day of class, December 14th.

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 09/25/2024 and ends on 10/26/2024


Participants must be entering grades 4 to 8.

In-person location

BAL: Brooklyn, NY, USA


Fall Improv

Registration closed.